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Nancy Sileo, Ed.D.

Nancy Sileo, Ed.D.

Interim Dean, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Early Childhood Special Education
School of Special Education

Contact Information



Professional/Academic Experience

Research/Areas of Interest

Publications/Creative Works

McCabe, L., & Sileo, N.M. (2024). “Be better. Do better.” Experiencing middle school as a gender-fluid pansexual student with a disability. International Journal of LGBTQ+ Youth Studies, 1–18.

Floren, M., Sileo, N. M., Sherman, V. J., Hess, C. A. (2024). Validation of an instrument to measure teacher candidates’ perceptions of preparedness to meet InTASC standards. Research & Practice in Assessment, 19(1).

Floren, M., Sherman, V. J. H., Hess, C.A., & Sileo, N.M. (2020). Accreditation by design: Construction of an instrument to measure teacher candidates’ perceptions of preparedness to meet InTASC standards.Journalof Educational Research and Innovation, 8(1), Article 4 1-10.

Ku, H.Y., Kaufeld, K., Hess, C., Kreider, S., Sileo, N.M., & Sheehan, E. (2016). The effects of the student teaching triad model. Journal of the World Federation ofAssociations of Teacher Education, 1(1), 9-23.

Jones, V., Higgins, K., Boone, R., Miller, S.P., & Sileo, N. M. (2014). African American parental beliefs about resiliency: A Delphi study. Journal of theAmerican Academy of Special Education Professionals, fall, 65-93.

More, C. M, Sileo, N. M., Higgins, K., Tandy, R, & Tannock, M. (2012). The effects of social story interventions on preschool age children with and without disabilities. Early ChildDevelopment and Care, 1-16. DOI:10.1080/03004430.2011.651081.

Sileo, N. M. & Prater, M. A. (2012). Working with Families of Children with Special Needs: Family and Professional Partnerships and Roles. Boston, MA: Pearson.

Brandon, R. R., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., Tandy, R., & Sileo, N. M. (2010). An exploration of the alienation experienced by African American parents from their children’s educational environment. Remedial and Special Education, 31, 208-222.