Communication Studies
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Scientific Communication; Supreme Court Argument Analysis; Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
Edwards, D., Allen, L. (2019). In Thomas G. Endres (Ed.), "Let's Talk (Cake)shop: Artistic Adventure or Civil Rights Censure in Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission (pp. 25-29). Greeley, CO: Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery.
Edwards, D., Allen, L. (2019). In Thomas G. Endres (Ed.), Let's Talk (Cake)shop: Artistic Adventure or Civil Rights Censure in Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission (vol. March 2019, pp. 25-29). Greeley, Colorado: Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery.
Allen, L., Edwards, D. (2018). In Thomas G. Endres (Ed.), "From Excalibur to Epic Allure: Recalibrating Redemption" (2572-4320 ed., pp. 11-16). Greeley, CO: The Image of Redemption in Literature, Media, and Society, SWAGÊÓƵ.
Allen, L., Edwards, D. (2018). In Lin Allen, JMComm Editor-in-Chief (Ed.), "The Merlion in Wedlock: Present at the (Axial) Creation in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission" (7th ed., pp. 94-99). Singapore: GSTF.
Edwards, D., Allen, L. (2018). "A Band of Angles" (pp. 34-40). Greeley, CO: The Image of Redemption in Literature, Media, and Society, SWAGÊÓƵ.
Edwards, D., Allen, L. (2018). In Thomas G. Endres (Ed.), A Band of Angles (vol. March 2018, pp. 34-40). Greeley, Colorado: Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery.
Edwards, D., Allen, L. (2017). Alces in Wonderland. Image of Rebirth in Literature, Media and Society (pp. 24-29). Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery Conference.
Allen, L. (2017). The Merlion in Ethni-CITY: Present at the (East-Asian Pride) Creation in Lee v Tam. Singapore: GSTF.
Allen, L. (2017). Aquiel v Acquiescence: Courting Coalescents. Greeley, CO: HEFLC.
Edwards, D., Allen, L. (2017). Alces in Wonderland. Greeley, CO: Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery.
Allen, L. (2016). Starsuasion: Flipping the Finals Frontier. Greeley, CO: HEFLC Proceedings.
Allen, L. (2016). The Merlion in Water: Present At The (ANILCA) Creation in Sturgeon v Frost. Singapore: JMComm Conference Proceedings /GSTF.
Allen, L. (2018). In Lin Allen, JMComm Editor-in-Chief (Ed.), "Journalism Liberates" (7th ed., pp. iii). Singapore: GSTF.
Allen, L. (2016). Editorial: "Journalism Snaps". Singapore: GSTF.
Allen, L. (2015). Editorial: "Journalism Morphs". Singapore: GSTF.
Allen, L. (2017). Editorial: "Journalism Prides". Singapore: GSTF.
Artistic and Professional Performances & Exhibits
Allen, L., ""Oh the Places You'll Glow" Revelation 21: 1-4," COMM 605 class (Rhetorical Criticism), Mari Michener Gallery, SWAGÊÓƵ. (October 2, 2017).
Allen, L., "Banned Books: "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater"," Michener Library, Greeley, Colorado. (September 26, 2017).
Allen, L., "El Movimiento," University Libraries, SWAGÊÓƵ, Michener Library. (September 7, 2017).
Allen, L., "Women's History Month Read-In," Readers participating in Women's History Month Read-In, Michener Library, Greeley, Colorado. (March 30, 2017).
Allen, L., "Black History Month Read In," Michener Library, SWAGÊÓƵ. (February 16, 2017).
Allen, L., "Pre-Inaugural Read-In," Michener Library, SWAGÊÓƵ. (January 19, 2017).
Professional Presentations
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), FLA, "Starsuasion: Flipping the Finals Frontier," FLA, SWAGÊÓƵ Ross Hall. (June 2016).
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), JMComm, "The Merlion in Maritime," GSTF, Singapore. (October 2017).
Allen, L. (Presenter), JMComm, "The Merlion in Winter Keynote Address," GSTF, Singapore. (October 2015).
Allen, L. (Author), Edwards, D. (Author), SASSI, ""Cross-References: Impactive Memorial Legacy in American Legion v AHA"," SWAGÊÓƵ School of Communication, Greeley, CO. (March 2020).
Allen, L. (Author), Franklin, S. (Author), SASSI, ""Houston We Have Elocution--And Deeper Space Solutions: The Impact of Scientific Imagination"," SWAGÊÓƵ School of Communication, Greeley. (March 2020).
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), Bell, K. (Presenter), Shaufiuzzaman, S. (Presenter), Togo, C. (Presenter), Wells, A. (Presenter), FLC, "Starry Decisis: "City on the Edge of Forever"," SWAGÊÓƵ, Greeley, CO (SWAGÊÓƵ). (June 2019).
Allen, L. (Discussant), Christensen, N. (Presenter), Ellert, L. (Presenter), Jones, J. (Presenter), RMCA, "Landing the Sky: Transmissions in "Helping Heroes Fly"," Rocky Mountain Communication Association, Colorado Springs Rampart Range Campus. (April 2019).
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), Edwards, D. (Author & Presenter), SASSI, ""Let's Talk (Cake)Shop," School of Communication, Greeley, CO. (March 2019).
Allen, L. (Presenter), Romulo, C. (Presenter), V. Corder, K.-L. (Presenter), SASSI, "Houston, We Have A Solution: SCI COMM As Adventure," School of Communication, Greeley, CO. (March 2019).
Allen, L. (Presenter), Edwards, D. (Presenter), Raisley, K. (Presenter), Reitz, A. (Presenter), SASSI, "imPRESSive: Adventures in Shaping SWAGÊÓƵ's Legacy," School of Communication, Greeley, CO. (March 2019).
Muller, H. (Panelist), Endres, T. (Panelist), Keaten, J. (Chair), Soukup, C. (Panelist), Allen, L. (Panelist), Nicholas, K. (Panelist), Lietzenmayer, A. (Panelist), Quenette, A. (Panelist), Sandoval, J. (Panelist), Neuberger, L. (Panelist), National Communication Association, "Moving online and moving to a place for varying student voices in a “short" course format: Can the Communication Discipline be Taught Entirely On-line? Talking with the Game-Changers.," Instructional Development Division, Salt lake City, UT. (2018).
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), 7th Annual International Conference on Journalism and Mass Communications, ""The Merlion in Wedlock: Present at the (Axial) Creation in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission"," GSTF, Singapore. (October 22, 2018).
Webber, N. (Author), Allen, L. (Author), Library Instruction West, ""Growing Library Presence and Information Literacy Beyond the One-Shot: The NINJA Project"," LIW, Grand Junction, CO. (July 20, 2018).
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), Bailey, M. (Presenter), Baker, S. (Presenter), Dowell, C. (Presenter), Morgan, K. (Presenter), Travis, B. (Presenter), 3rd Annual Higher Education Flipped Learning Conference, ""Masterpiece Society": Social Scientific Variety," MAST at SWAGÊÓƵ, Ross Hall, Greeley, CO. (June 14, 2018).
Edwards, D. (Author & Presenter), Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), SASSI, "A Band of Angles: Redemptive Renaming in Matal v Tam," SWAGÊÓƵ. (March 10, 2018).
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), Edwards, D., SASSI, "From Excalibur to Epic Allure: Recalibrating Redemption," SWAGÊÓƵ School of Communication, Greeley, CO. (March 10, 2018).
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), JMComm, "The Merlion in ETHNI-City: Present at the (Artistic) Creation in Lee v Tam," GSTF, Singapore. (October 2017).
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), 2nd Annual Higher Education Flipped Learning Conference, "Aquiel v Acquiescence: Courting Coalescents," MAST at SWAGÊÓƵ, Ross Hall, Greeley, CO. (June 14, 2017).
Allen, L. (Author & Presenter), Edwards, D. (Author & Presenter), SASSI, "Alces in Wonderland: Mythic Frontiers in Sturgeon v Frost," School of Communication, SWAGÊÓƵ, UC Spruce. (March 18, 2017).
Allen, L. (Presenter), SASSI, "Baseball's Rembrandt: Flood v Kuhn," School of Communication, UC, Council Room. (March 18, 2017).
Allen, L. (Presenter), JMComm Conference, "The Merlion in Water: Present at the (ANILCA) Creation in Sturgeon v Frost," GSTF, Singapore. (October 2016).
Allen, L. (Presenter), Taste of HSS, "A Watermark Decision: The Merlion Meets Sturgeon v Frost," HSS, SWAGÊÓƵ Candelaria. (October 2016).
Allen, L. (Coordinator/Organizer), J. P., Engaged Scholar Symposium, "IMF: I Am Imagining the Future," SWAGÊÓƵ, UC. (October 2015).
Allen, L. (Presenter), JMComm Conference, ""Snow, Eagles, Gravity, Genes": Present at the (Artificial) Creation in Association for Molecular Pathology v Myriad Genetics," GSTF, Singapore. (October 2015).
Allen, L. (Presenter), AEJMC, "Every icloud has a Silva lining.," AEJMC, San Francisco, CA. (August 2015).
Allen, L. (Presenter), RMCA, "Online v traditional classroom in terms of perceived privacy and autonomy issues," RMCA, Loveland, CO. (April 2015).
Muller, H. (Co-Chair), Allen, L. (Co-Chair), Palmer, D. (Panelist), Pawlowski, C. (Panelist), Raisley, K. (Panelist), Marrow, S., Soukup, C., Rocky Mountain Communication Association Conference, "The evolving culture of education: Understanding the challenges in the online classroom environment.," Loveland, CO. (April 2015).