Department of History
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
I specialize in the social and cultural history of modern China, with particular emphasis on the subfields of urban history, theater performance, and gender studies.
Journal articles
“From social drama to political performance: China’s multi-front combat with the Covid-19 epidemic,” Critical Asian Studies (June 2020), 1-21. DOI:
“Courting Actresses and Exploring Love in Late Qing and Early Republican China,” Frontier History of China, 2020, 15(1): 1-33.
“Writing on Actresses and the Modern Transformation of Opera Fandom in 1910s Beijing,” Modern China, 45:4 (September 2018), 433-465.
“Transgressive Female Roles and the Embodiment of Actresses in 1910s Beijing” Twentieth Century China 41:1 (January 2016), 29-51.
“Qingdai Hankou Shangren Huiguan de Jiangou jiqi Leixing (Constructing Merchant Guilds in Hankow in the Qing Dynasty),” (in Chinese) The Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History, 3:102 (September 2007).
Book Reviews
Review of Hsiao-t’i Li, Opera, Society, and Politics in Modern China (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2019). Journal of Asian Studies, 78:4 (2019).
Translator (with others) from English to Chinese, Ritual, Standardization, and Chinese Culture: Revisiting James Waston’s Theory. Published as Yishi, Biaozhunhua yu Zhongguo Wenhua (Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2019)
Translator (with others) from English to Chinese, Commerce in Culture: The Sibao Book Trade in the Qing and Republican Periods by Cynthia J. Brokaw (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007). Published as Wenhua Maoyi: Qingdai zhi Minguo Shiqi Sibao de Shuji Maoyi (Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2015).