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    Take Action to Prevent Fentanyl Overdose

    To support our community in this critical issue, students, facutly and staff are encouraged to take action

    Fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, has caused a surge in overdose deaths. It is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, and a lethal dose can be as small as 2 mg—about the size of a few grains of salt. In 2023, there were 1,097 fentanyl-related overdose deaths in Colorado, including 33 in Weld County.

    To support our community in this critical issue, students, facutly and staff are encouraged to take action:

    • Visit Preventing Opioid Overdose: Focus on Fentanyl, to learn more about:
      • The scope of the opioid overdose problem
      • How to reduce the risk of fentanyl overdose
      • Naloxone/Narcan®: What it is, who should obtain it, and where to find it
      • How to administer naloxone
      • Where to find help for drug or alcohol use issues
    • Get a free box of Naloxone/Narcan®— an opioid reversal drug which, when administered properly, can be life-saving.  Order online or pick one up at one of SWAGÊÓƵ’s new naloxone kiosks  located at:
      • The lower floor, east end of Michener Library
      • The lower level entrance of the University Center near Subway
    • Be prepared: watch a video or request training on how to use naloxone to save a life. 

    Naloxone kiosks also contain fentanyl test strips which, when used properly, can often (but not always) identify when a substance is laced with fentanyl. 

    Naloxone/Narcan® and fentanyl test strips are also available by ordering from the Office of Health Promotion.

    For emergency response, naloxone doses are also available in the automated external defibrillator (AED) boxes across campus. 

    Questions?  Email the HealthPromotion@unco.edu.

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