Graduate Student Professional Development
SWAGÊÓƵ’s Graduate Student Professional Development is dedicated to assisting graduate students in their development as researchers and teachers. GSPD also assists in preparing students for employment upon graduation.
- Professional Development Workshops
Please visit GSPD Workshops.
- Graduate Research Symposium
This event combines Graduate Research Evening and the annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition.
- NoCo 3MT® Competition
NoCo 3MT® is a professional development competition that spotlights the dissertation projects of doctoral students at the University of Northern Colorado.
- Handbook for Graduate Assistants, Graduate Part-time Instructors and Graduate Teaching Assistants
- Graduate Assistants' Conference
Students with contracts as graduate assistants in any division of the university should attend this virtual conference.
The 2024 Graduate Assistants' Conference was held Monday, Aug. 19. For more information visit the Assistantships page.
- Graduate Part-time Instructors and Graduate Teaching Assistant Conference
This event is a full day of professional development events for new and returning GPIs/GTAs. These events include aspects of the university at a macro-level such as introductions to SWAGÊÓƵ’s university policies, people and resources. There is also a micro-level of introductions such as break-out sessions intended for specific pedagogical needs dependent on the needs of the GPIs and GTAs at this particular time in their teaching roles and experiences.
The 2024 GPI/GTA Conference was held Monday, Aug. 19. For more information visit the Assistantships page.
- Resources for Teaching
As the GSPD is building, developing and implementing teaching resources that are specifically designed for SWAGÊÓƵ, we are glad to direct you to other campuses resources. If you have other resources that you find useful, please let us know and we will try to get those resources available to others.
- Discipline-specific courses in pedagogy
- Workshops on facilitation
- Round-table discussion groups on James Lang’s book Small Teaching:
- James Lang’s for the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL):
- Resources for Graduate Assistants:
- SAGE Research Methods
for using SAGE Research Methods at the SWAGÊÓƵ.
- Researcher Workshop Series
These , developed by librarians in Scholarly Communication Services, are geared specifically for SWAGÊÓƵ graduate students and faculty members.
More information about workshops visit your Canvas module. If you need access please contact Cindy Wesley.
- Academic Policies and Deadlines
- Awards and Recognition
- Campus Resources
- Degree Works
- Forms
- Graduate Student Association
- Master's, Specialist and Doctoral Student Deadlines
- Professional Development
- Research Resources
- Thesis, Doctoral Scholarly Project and Dissertation Resources
Contact Us
Cindy Wesley, Ph.D.
Associate Graduate Dean for SWAGÊÓƵ