Sustainability While Commuting
Take public transit
A bus or carpool requires much less energy per person than single occupancy automobiles. The Boomerang Shuttle ("Bear Bus") runs on weekdays from 10th Ave in front of Gunter Hall to just west of Michener Library. Also consider taking a shuttle from the airport.
Ride a bike
The bicycle remains the most efficient form of transportation ever invented and of course, it uses no fossil fuels. SWAGÊÓƵ's free campus bike program lets you rent a bicycle for a week at a time, and 1.5 miles of bike paths help you get across campus in about 10 minutes.
Drive smarter
Drive less by combining trips, accelerating gently, and driving the speed limit. Be sure to maintain your vehicle by completing all recommended maintenance including changing you oil and replacing the air filter. Also, keeping your tires inflated is important to fuel economy.