Design Guidelines
This resource should be used for all construction projects whether a remodel, renovation, or new construction for the University of Northern Colorado (SWAGÊÓƵ) effective immediately on all projects. These documents should be used to guide consultants/engineers’ final specifications for each project. Any deviations should be discussed with Facilities Management prior to bidding. Project-specific documents and specifications should also be based on code and engineering analysis.
- Introduction - General Design Considerations AUG24
- Division 01-General Requirements FEB24
- Divsion 02 -Existing Conditions FEB24
- Division 03 -Concrete FEB24
- Division 04 -Masonry FEB24
- Division 07 -Thermal Moisture Protection MAR24
- Division 08 -Doors and Hardware FEB24
- Division 09 -Finishes FEB24
- Division 10 Specialties FEB24
- Division 12 Furnishings FEB24
- Division 21 Fire Suppression FEB24
- Division 22 Plumbing FEB24
- Division 23 HVAC FEB24
- Division 26 Electrical FEB24
- Division 27 Telecommunication FEB24
- Division 28 Fire Alarm FEB24
- Division 32 Exterior Improvements FEB24
- Division 33 Utilities FEB24
- SWAGÊÓƵ Exterior Monument Sign Appendix
- Building Automation Appendix
- Campus Standard Interior Signs Appendix
- Card Access Appendix FEB24
- Typical Base Mounted Pump FEB24
- Typical HTHW Piping Schematic FEB24
- Waste Mgt Dumpster & Trash Truck
- Stormwater Construction Post Construction Guidelines 2017
- Guidelines for Classroom Technology